Prominent Indian personalities like Shri Bhulabhai J. Desai, H.H. Prince Aga Khan, H. H. Sayajirao Gaikwad, Sir Cowasjee Jehangir, Sir Purshottamdas Thukurdas, Sir Praphashankar Pattani, Senior I.C.S Officers, Senior Judges of the Honorable Supreme Court and High Courts were all Club’s members. With a well trained polite staff who makes all visitors feel at home. We cater to a vast audience belonging to different spheres of life and all age groups. Be it a casual family outing, a corporate conference, or just a fun evening with friends, we extend a warm welcome to everyone.
Our exclusive guest satisfaction and genuine hospitality builds lasting relationships with all members and guest including our visitors.

about us
Constructed during 1900, the Orient Club house represented the art-deco architectural style, at that time considered contemporary. The Heritage Committee of the Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai has awarded heritage status and protection to the Club-house.
Accordingly, it is treated as a protected structure under the
guidelines laid down by the administrative body.
Life Members and Ordinary Members are having pari passu voting rights and subject to certain limit on duration of tenure, they are entitled to participate in the Management of the affairs of the Club. The Club is a voluntary association of a number of persons who come together for common social intercourse and recreation but not for gain.
The affairs of the Club are looked after by a Managing Committee consisting of a President and 8 Members elected bi-annually at the Annual General Meeting. Two Jt. Hon. Secretaries and Hon. Treasure are elected from amongst the Members of the Managing Committee. The Committee is assisted by various Sub-Committees. Except Balloting Sub-Committee, the other Sub-Committees recommend their proposals to the Committee for its final decision.